frontside compositions

Samman – vika, väga, väva

Ida Lundén

performing musicians

During our Walking Concerts at Frontside 2022, the audience had the opportunity to discover Gothenburg’s oldest building, Kronhuset. The audience journeyed through millennia in the premiere performance of “Samman – vika, väga, väva” by Gothenburg-based composer Ida Lundén.

Here’s what Ida herself has to say about the piece:
“The theme of the Frontside Festival is South Winds, which made me think about the flow of influences from south to north. The world’s oldest recorded music is a 3400-year-old hymn found in the city of Ugarit in present-day Syria. Our scale system bears traces of Arabic maqam, which has much in common with the microtonality of antiquity that long persisted in unaccompanied psalm singing and paved the way for European music culture. I envision exploring a monophony that is not a single tone but a composite, based on various aspects of this flow. An exploration of three different types of monophony and moods that can function both individually and collectively. Three different pieces that can be played separately but also together. A tapestry of sounds, tones, and timbres played by string instruments and voice. The voice functions more as an instrument than a conveyor of text.”

The premiere featured performances by Paula af Malmborg Ward, Ida Lundén, Trio Boccherini, and Jacob Kellerman.

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You have made this years festival come true


The Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation
Göteborgs Stad
Västra Götalandsregionen
Herbert & Karin Jacobssons stiftelse
Stiftelsen Eduard Magnus musikfond
Bob och Kristina Kelly
Torrestad Branding & Strategi AB, Åsa Torrestad


Sjöfartsmuseet Akvariet
Gathenhielmska huset
Palmhuset Trädgårdsföreningen
Juhl Sørensen A/S, Steinway & Sons Scadinavia
Sveriges Radio P2
Högskolan för scen och musik, Göteborgs Universitet
Rytmus musikgymnasium
Pianostämmare Björn Eriksson, Robin Olsen
Footprint Records AB
Restaurang Break/Brynstålet
Café Kronhuset
Hotel Royal