Ida Lundén är tonsättare och musiker, framför allt aktiv inom kammarmusik improviserad och elektronisk musik. Hon har varit Hustonsättare på Sveriges Radio P2 och är en av grundarna till Syntjuntan. Hennes musik har spelats på festivaler runt om i världen och hon samarbetar kontinuerligt med musiker, filmare och konstnärer. Hon har uppmärksammats för sina uppfinningsrika verk för ibland ovanliga instrumentkombinationer som viola och potatis, eller bassångare och kontrabasar.
Lundéns musik kan låta på många olika sätt, men gemensamt är nyfikenheten och utforskandet. Det kan vara utforskande av ljud eller återanvändandet av musikaliska minnen. Stycket ”Pygostylia” satte fokus på plastens inverkan på fåglar genom att skapa musik av plast från havet med film av Jöns Mellgren och konceptuell kostym av Ulrika Gunnarsdotter. I samarbete med scenografen Johanna Mårtensson skapade hon Orgel som är ett instrument, men också ett sceniskt rum där publiken bildar en orkester som tillsammans blåser i en orgel bestående av 180 ”pipor” av olika karaktär (munspel, blockflöjter, partytutor, hundleksaker, veckade plaströr mm).
Under våra Vandringskonserter på Frontside 2022 fick publiken upptäcka Göteborgs äldsta byggnad Kronhuset. Publiken färdades genom årtusenden i Göteborgs–tonsättaren Ida Lundéns (1971) uruppförande Samman – vika, väga, väva. Musiken startade på fjärde våningen med en elektronisk installation av Ida, under de gamla mörka träbalkarna. Vandringen fortsatte därefter till Kronhusets olika våningar.
En ström av influenser från söder mot norr vävdes in i musiken när Ida utgick från världens äldsta noterade musik, en 3400 år gammal hymn funnen i staden Ugarit i nuvarande Syrien via koptiska cymbaler och trianglar, eolsharpa, orgelharmonium/dragspel/melodika fram till den svenska 1400-talspsalmen Den signade dag.
Verkets olika delar utforskades och utvecklades i solo-duo-trio-konstellationer under vandringen i huset för att i slutet förenas i en kombinerad helhet för alla musiker i Kronhusets stora sal.
Musikerna som var framförde verket var Paula af Malmborg Ward, Ida Lundén, Trio Boccherini, Jacob Kellerman.
Frontside Chamber Music Association has existed since 2019 and is largely driven by volunteer efforts, but we are highly dependent on additional financial sponsors and fundings. All contributions are used to engage fantastic musicians, rents of venues and all other things that make the festival a magical experience.
If you are interested in chamber music that goes beyond the ordinary, you should become a member! As a member, you are invited to the association’s annual meeting and participate in electing the board. You can also suggest activities for the association, thereby influencing future festivals and other events we organize. You also have the opportunity to volunteer during the festival, allowing you to enjoy wonderful chamber music without paying an entrance fee.
How do I become a member and support Frontside? Submit your information in the form below and pay the membership fee, and we will register you as a member immediately. Please also indicate which chamber music you love the most. Together with your personal information, this helps us better understand who our members are. How we handle your information can be read under the GDPR section.
You renew your membership every fall term – we’ll remind you! Alternatively, you can purchase a lifetime membership and thus become a permanent member with a one-time fee.
If you join as a new member in the spring, your payment also covers the following year’s membership.
How do I do it and what does it cost? You can pay the membership fee to Bankgiro 5318-7969 or via Swish 123 356 63 95. Always include your name and, if paying via bankgiro, your mobile number.
Welcome as a member!
For requests, feedback, and additional information, fill in your message in the form at the bottom or send an email to
The General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, came into force within the EU on May 25, 2018.
How does Frontside handle its membership register? In our membership register, we store your name, address details, email address, phone number, and birth year. If you leave the association, we will retain your information for a maximum of seven (7) years before deleting it.
Who has access to my information? We register your details digitally in our membership register. Only you (first party) and individuals with trusted roles in the association (second party) have access to your information. No information is shared with third parties.
You can request to see what information we have collected about you at any time.
Validity? By becoming a member of the association, you enter into an agreement regarding which information about you can be stored with us and who has access to this information, as described above. This agreement is valid indefinitely, as long as you are a member of the Frontside Chamber Music Association.
Do I have the right to have my information deleted? According to GDPR, you have the right to have your information deleted, but you will also lose your membership in the association. To request this, send an email to and ask for your stored information to be deleted.