frontside artists

Duo Granmo-Berg

Violin / Marimba

Tobias Granmo, violin and Daniel Berg, marimba have been colleagues at the Academy of Music and Drama in Gothenburg for many years. They teach violin and percussion respectively, and are also primarily responsible for chamber music. Duo Granmo-Berg is often invited to guest performances at other universities in Europe to give Master Classes in conjunction with concert tours.

Here is how one of their albums, recorded live in the studio by Marten Recordings with only two microphones, is described:
“This Swedish violinist and marimba a duo is confidently carving a genre of their own. Granmo-Berg’s years of experience and passion shines through every moment of this High-End live recording. With only two microphones, the sound is natural, dynamic and lively.”

Participated in festivals

2020 Frontside Visits – Koster, 2020 Frontside Visits – Lerum, 2023 Direction 57° North


You have made this years festival come true


The Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation
Göteborgs Stad
Västra Götalandsregionen
Herbert & Karin Jacobssons stiftelse
Stiftelsen Eduard Magnus musikfond
Bob och Kristina Kelly
Torrestad Branding & Strategi AB, Åsa Torrestad


Sjöfartsmuseet Akvariet
Gathenhielmska huset
Palmhuset Trädgårdsföreningen
Juhl Sørensen A/S, Steinway & Sons Scadinavia
Sveriges Radio P2
Högskolan för scen och musik, Göteborgs Universitet
Rytmus musikgymnasium
Pianostämmare Björn Eriksson, Robin Olsen
Footprint Records AB
Restaurang Break/Brynstålet
Café Kronhuset
Hotel Royal