The composer Francisco Coll studied trombone at the Joaquín Rodrigo Conservatoire of Music in Valencia and the Madrid Royal Conservatory, graduating with the Honour Prize. He studied composition at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama with Richard Baker with the support of the Instituto Valenciano de la Música (IVM) Scholarship and the Guildhall Trust, and privately with Thomas Adès.
He completed a master’s degree in composition with distinction in 2010, winning the Ian Horsburgh Memorial Prize for the best postgraduate composition, and currently is a Fellow at Guildhall. His first commission, “…Whose name I don’t want to remember” (2005) for double brass quintet, was premiered in Avery Fisher Hall of the Lincoln Center of New York, by Canadian Brass and the brass section of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. He won the Montserrat 2006 International Week of Chamber Music Prize with El juego lúgubre for two pianos and in the following year the National Award “Valencia Crea” with La Ciudad Paranoica for ensemble of 10 players. He won the Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE)’s 2008 “Carmelo A. Bernaola” Prize for Cuando el niño era niño… for piano quartet. Aqua Cinereus (2006) for large orchestra was premiered on the “Palau de la Musica”, by the Philharmonic Orchestra of the University of Valencia conducted by Cristóbal Soler. Óxido( 2010) for soprano and ensemble was premiered at Wigmore Hall, London under the baton of the composer. Hidd’n Blue (2009) for the London Symphony Orchestra was workshopped and recorded on 5 October 2009 as part of the LSO Discovery Panufnik Young Composers Scheme. Coll was chosen to represent Spain at the International Rostrum of Composers/UNESCO (Lisbon, 2010). He took a Composition Residency during the Aldeburgh Festival 2010. Later projects include a commission from Los Angeles Philharmonic to be premiered at the Walt Disney Concert Hall in 2011, an octet for members of the BBC Symphony Orchestra for broadcast on BBC Radio 3, and another commission from the 2011 Aldeburgh Festival for the Barbirolli Quartet which will subsequently tour to the Verbier Festival, Switzerland. He is Composer in Association with the Valencia Youth Orchestra (JOGV). Coll’s music is published by Faber Music. As trombonist he has collaborated with the Mediterraneo Symphony Orchestra, Filarmonía Orchestra, Grupo instrumental of Madrid, Torrent’s City Symphony Orchestra and others. And he was a member of the JOGV, and the University of Valencia Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2005 he won the “Vicent Galbis” Interpretation Prize, and in 2007 the “Villa Castellnovo” Prize for young performers. He subsequently studied trombone at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama with John Kenny.
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